Fox – by Will Franks

The world and the void meet 

As lovers in the darkness

Where you and I meet 

As friends. 

We are pulled on their pushes 

And rolled on the grace of their whispers.

Here in the cave

Where colours dance with dreams 

We are safe.

We are brothers.

There is no world outside 

For we brought it in here with us,

In the little locked boxes of our hearts. 

We open them up

And let the bees and birds to fly and hop 

And flutter,

Free in this mystical cave without walls,

The hiding place of happy souls,

Where the air breathes love and fills us. 

Clay oozes from the walls, direct from the dreamtime 

To our own slow-sleeping sequence. 

We begin to paint, to smear and slide it

In circles and figures on the rocky canvas 

Of eternal recreation.

Laughing, we are children once more.

You hug me and tell me I smell good. 

We hold each other close

And rest. 

Now, years later, 

You are dead.

But somehow 

You are still that same child,

And we are still painting,

And dancing

And exploring! 

O you sly and sleeky fox! 

You were never the body I thought you were! 

You are the spirit and invisible smile 

That lights the darkness still! 

Like you, I too am dead,

Though I forget.

Like you I am free

And always will be. 

Thank you for everything. 

I hope only that heaven is full of apricot jam.

I know it is — because you’re there, 

And you won’t rest till every angel has had a spoonful!

Now I see: you live in light and on Earth. 

Is there really any difference?

This world is paradise,

So you taught us.